Stability Indicating UPLC Method Development and Validation for the Quantitative Estimation of Pazopanib in Pure form and Marketed Pharmaceutical Dosage form
浏览量 325 时间 2024-08-06 09:03:05

Nerella Naveen Kumar1*, Dr. Shailesh Sharma2

1Research scholar, Department of Pharmacy, Shyam university, Dausa-303511, Rajasthan, India

2Principal and Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Shyam university, Dausa-303511, Rajasthan, India

* Address    for  Correspondence:

Nerella Naveen Kumar

Research scholar, Department of Pharmacy, Shyam university, Dausa-303511, Rajasthan, India


An analytical, accurate, precise, specific, efficient and simple Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography method has been developed and validated for the determination of Pazopanib in bulk and was applied on marketed Pharmaceutical Dosage form. The mobile phase used for the chromatographic runs consisted of 0.1% OPA Buffer and Acetonitrile in the ratio of 30:70% v/v. The separation was achieved on a BHEL UPLC column using isocratic mode. Pazopanib Drug peak were well separated and were detected by a PDA detector at 256 nm. The developed method was linear at the concentration range 6–14 μg/ml for Pazopanib. The method has been validated according to ICH guidelines with respect to system suitability, specificity, precision, accuracy and robustness. The LOD and LOQ for the Pazopanib were found to be 0.5853 µg/ml and 1.7738µg/ml respectively. The developed method is simple, precise, specific, accurate and rapid, making it suitable for estimation of Pazopanib in bulk and marketed pharmaceutical dosage form dosage form.

Keywords  Pazopanib, UPLC, Accuracy, Precision, Robustness, ICH Guidelines

PDF Stability Indicating UPLC Method Development and Validation for the Quantitative Estimation of Pazopanib in Pure form and Marketed Pharmaceutical Dosage form.pdf